
Can I use integrated Unit Test panel in Xamarin?

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is there a way to use the built in unit test functionality of Xamarin Studio (Visual Studio Preview for Mac) to run and display unit tests written with nspec?

xamarin tests

Hi @sschmid , sorry for late reply.

No idea about this, never fiddled with Xamarin Studio. Have you got any pointer on how does integration work with this platform?

Also, do you know if this IDE can install same extensions as Visual Studio?

Last bit, a little far though: the latest Visual Studio 2017 is available for Mac too. It should support Xamarin projects, if I'm not wrong. In a near future, we will port NSpec VS adapter to VS2017 too.



sorry I don't know how integration with Xamarin works. Maybe there will be hints here:

Are you talking about Visual Studio for Mac?

Afaik, this is basically rebranded Xamarin Studio. It's still a preview and I don't expect it to work with the same extensions from VS for Windows, but I might be wrong.