
Can't find instructions on setting up Specwatchr - URL http://nspec.org/continuoustesting 404's

johnhamm opened this issue · 3 comments

New user of nspec here. All the documentation I can find points to http://nspec.org/continuoustesting for setting up Specwatchr. Even the Specwatchr project homepage points to that page, which no longer exists. Are there intructions somewhere to get it working or is there a more modern solution and that's why the instructions were removed?

It'd be awesome if nspec could somehow work with Resharper's dotCover for continuous testing, but it seems that dotCover required [Test] tags when nspec is funneled through Nunit using NSpecInUnit

I'd create a console app like this: #203 (comment)

The source code you linked to refers to ruby scripts which aren't posted, and also SpecWatchr had the feature of only running changed tests. I'll look into using the new NSpec.ContinuousRunner and see where that project evolves.

The source code you linked to refers to ruby scripts which aren't posted

Ah, the ruby script can be anything:

system 'msbuild .'

And many devs I've given this little program too customize it to do additional things (some delegate to powershell, psake scripts).