
Weighted and unweighted graphs and digraphs with C++

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Graphs and digraphs with modern C++


  • Code for weighted and unweighted graph and digraph problems
  • No usage of owning raw pointers, new etc. (uses std::unique_ptr, std::vector, ... instead)
  • Unit tests in test/ subdirectories
  • This is a sample project and not a huge library. It is currently not split in headers and implementations.

General headers (general/)


  • DisjointSets as an efficient union-find data structure with path compression and union-by-rank (see also here)
  • IndexedPriorityQueue as a priority queue which supports changing keys in logarithmic time (see here), and PriorityQueue as a simpler version which does not

Unweighted graphs (unweighted_graph/)



  • Basic test of Graph.h functionality
  • Reads graphs from standard input (build/unweighted_graph/unweighted_graph_demo < unweighted_graph/tinyG.txt) or file given as program argument (build/unweighted_graph/unweighted_graph_demo unweighted_graph/tinyG.txt)
  • Sample graph from tinyG.txt:

Unweighted digraphs (unweighted_digraph/)



  • Basic test of Digraph.h functionality

  • Reads digraph from standard input (build/unweighted_digraph/unweighted_digraph_demo < unweighted_digraph/tinyDG.txt) or file given as program argument (build/unweighted_digraph/unweighted_digraph_demo unweighted_digraph/tinyDG.txt)

  • Sample digraph from tinyDG.txt:

Weighted graphs (weighted_graph/)



  • Reads a weighted graph from standard input or a file given as program argument

  • Prints the graph's edges and the Minimum Spanning Tree edges

  • Sample edge-weighted graph from tinyEWG.txt and its Minimum Spanning Tree:

Weighted digraphs (weighted_digraph/)


  • EdgeWeightedDigraph interface and an implementation with adjacency lists
  • SingleSourceShortestPath as an interface for finding shortest paths to all other nodes starting at a start vertex:
    • SingleSourceAcyclicShortestPath for acyclic weighted digraphs using the topological order
    • SingleSourceDijkstraShortestPath as an implementation of Dijkstra's algorithm for weighted digraphs without negative edge weights
    • SingleSourceBellmanFordShortestPath for digraphs with negative edge weights (but without negative cycles)


  • Reads a weighted digraph from standard input or a file given as program argument

  • Determines the shortest paths starting at vertex 0 and prints the results

    • Depending on whether the digraph is acyclic, contains no negative edge weights, or does contain negative edge weights, the DAG algorithm, Dijkstra's algorithm, or the Bellman-Ford algorithm is chosen respectively
  • Sample edge-weighted digraph from tinyEWD.txt (without showing weights):

  • Sample edge-weighted acyclic digraph from tinyEWDAG.txt (without showing weights):

Flow networks (flow_network/)


  • FlowEdge as an edge with capacity and flow in a flow network
  • FlowNetwork and AdjancyListFlowNetwork as interface and implementation of a flow network
  • FordFulkerson as an implementation of the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to solve the min-cut and max-flow problems in flow networks


  • Reads flow network from file or standard input and prints it

  • Calculate max-flow and min-cut

Compilation and execution

  • Download submodules (for unit tests): git submodule update --init --recursive
  • Compile with cmake:
    mkdir build
    cd build/
    cmake ..
  • Go to top-level folder again: cd ..
  • Run all tests: find build/ -name "*_gtest" -exec {} \;
  • Run demos:
    • build/unweighted_graph/unweighted_graph_demo unweighted_graph/tinyG.txt
    • build/unweighted_digraph/unweighted_digraph_demo unweighted_digraph/tinyDG.txt
    • build/weighted_graph/weighted_graph_demo weighted_graph/tinyEWG.txt
    • build/weighted_digraph/weighted_digraph_demo weighted_digraph/tinyEWD.txt
    • build/weighted_digraph/weighted_digraph_demo weighted_digraph/tinyEWDAG.txt
    • build/flow_network/flow_network_demo flow_network/tinyFN.txt


  • Introduction to Algorithms by Cormen et al.
  • Algorithms, Part II by Princeton University (Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne)