
2020/06/01 TODOs & meeting notes

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spinifex -- extending to 3D

  • WebGL interactions with headsets; ask Maxime and the IA group
  • Nick's rgl app working
  • rgl animating through many frames
  • rgl as interacting and updating from changes in shiny inputs.
    • maybe controlling the level of 1 variable
  • Kavan and Francesco seem quite keen. Maybe meet with Kavan in a week or 2.
    • Ask Kavan for reading examples, maybe pass along Ursula's paper(s)
    • Of interest: ~"finding the shortest path from A to B restricted to the 'plane' of the same radius in the 8/9 dimensional degrees of freedom space of a Fermi surface" (whose shape is a function of the compound).

Spinifex CRAN version -- automated failure email on 02/06/2020 (14 days to fix)

Vignette failing of some OS'.

  • remove new functions
  • fix tests and touch up old functions
  • address plotly not accommodating ggrepel::geom_text_repel()
  • fix Vignette (Windows)
  • Travis CI didn't send email
    • fix travis CI connection
    • address travis CI errors
  • stabilize shiny app
  • double check documentation, buildignore, and gitignore
  • submit version 0.1.5

Spinifex user study -- gearing towards remote data collection

Higher priority:

  • shiny app in working order
    • redundant code cleanup
    • remove HTML option asking about 2nd; must do 2nd training.
    • fix HTML TAGS$b() error
    • Troubleshoot sever() not evaluating and conditionalPanels() always displaying.
  • correct manual tour interactions
    • isolate(); remember you isolate 1 input*instance from a reactive, NOT isolate an observer from other observers.
  • Extend survey questions around experience including Machine Learning experience.
  • run 3 times, with each order.
    • Data to Di for analysis.
  • Update and resubmit for Ethics approval

Lower priority:

  • remote hosting: (update, fix, ethics, and data evaluation more important)
    • docker container with app and library
    • library() may need to be more granular/explicit
    • local file writing needs to be converted to google sheets save (with pass stored securely)

In addition to the TODO's:

  • Continue working making spinifex user study ready for prime time. See notes from the 2020/05/26 meeting.