
Main Menu Options

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As an application user, I would like to see a list of my options when I start the application.

Given the user has started the program
Or the user has returned to the main menu from a child menu
When the main menu appears
Then the following options should be displayed

  • My Journal Management
  • Blog Management
  • Author Management
  • Post Management
  • Tag Management
  • Search by Tag
  • Exit

Menu Selection

As an application user, I would like to easily navigate around the application by typing in the number of of a particular menu item in order to trigger that menu items functionality.

Given the following menu

Post Menu
 1) List Posts
 2) Add Post
 3) Edit Post
 4) Remove Post
 5) Note Management
 0) Return to Main Menu

When the user enters 2
Then they should be presented with the ability to add a new post.