
Spelling error in the "Parsing JSON is a Minefield ๐Ÿ’ฃ" article

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The article states:

You'll find more that 300 tests in the JSONTestSuite GitHub repository.

but it should be:

You'll find more than 300 tests in the JSONTestSuite GitHub repository.

There are a lot more spelling errors, even distorting errors, e.g. in section 2.5 Strings, where the examples are wrong due to missing backslashes:

  • ["x00"] is totally valid, I guess the author meant ["\x00"] as an example for invalid string escape.
  • [""\/bfnrt"] is invalid, because two consecutive quote characters would describe an empty string, no additional characters are allowed. I guess the author wanted to write ["\"\/\b\f\n\r\t"]
  • ["uqqqq"] is valid, but no escape. I guess the author wanted to write ["\uqqqq"]

and many more such things. :-(

Would be nice if he gave the article an update again, it's overall a really good article, which helped quite a bit with the paper I'm writing.

ACK, but I don't see much activity here in this repo, so I think the author is not interested in fixing his article or out of time at the moment. :-(

nst commented

Author here! Thank you so much for helping to improve the article. Indeed, escaping errors may be due to Markdown syntax. I'll upload the article to GitHub shortly so that you can submit pull requests.