
How could I get the top most app bundle id and it's run time?

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Hi Nicolas Seriot, how could I get the top most app bundle id and it's run time(on ios 9.1)? I found
a header file in the folder AppLaunchStats.framewok, whose name is AppLaunchStatsSBMonitor.h
but it seems not the header file that I need. could you please help me? thank you so much.

here is the method that I used to init the AppLaunchStatsStat class, but it returns nil when NSClassFromString(@"AppLaunchStatsState") is called, could you plz help me? thank you so much!
Class c =NSClassFromString(@"AppLaunchStatsState");
_appLaunchStatsState = [c init];
return _appLaunchStatsState;

here is the method that I used to init the AppLaunchStatsStat class, but it returns nil when NSClassFromString(@"AppLaunchStatsState") is called, could you plz help me? thank you so much!
Class c =NSClassFromString(@"AppLaunchStatsState");
_appLaunchStatsState = [c init];
return _appLaunchStatsState;