
Class color is not applied to label

Closed this issue · 3 comments

CSS color property is not applied to label. Text color can not be changed / set.

Example: https://play.nativescript.org/?template=play-vue&id=ggOUIi

Expected: Red text "hello checkbox"

Actual: Greyish text (#262626)

Nvm, seems you have to use style directly (e.g. style="color: #ffffff; )

This is still an issue for me (radio button in ios)

<StackLayout orientation="horizontal" verticalAlignment="center">
                    <CheckBox style="font-size: 20pt; color:#ffffff" horizontalAlignment="center" #elem [checked]="option.selected"
                        (checkedChange)="elem.checked !== option.selected && changeCheckedRadio(option)"
                        class="checkbox" boxType="circle" fillColor="#558f4b"></CheckBox>
                    <StackLayout verticalAlignment="center">
                        <Label class="filter-label" [text]="option.text" textWrap="true"

I even tried !important but it's not applied. Any ideas?

Do you have a playground link? Then I can reopen the issue