
Let's rock the docs!

rgbkrk opened this issue ยท 2 comments

Hi! ๐Ÿ‘‹

I'm kicking off this project a little early with @willingc (we're on a video call together right now). The goals for the user guide project are going to be to:

  • make the user guide something that users can contribute to easily without doing git + github
  • make an inclusive and welcoming user guide that will lead to users contributing back
  • create an approachable, manageable, and contributor-friendly suite of user focused documentation
  • separate content from styling
  • separate content from delivery

Some topic areas that we always have come up or are underserved:

  • What's a kernel?

  • How do I use my (conda environment | virtualenv | R install)

  • How do I install more languages?

  • How do I know what kernels I have?

  • Switching to matplotlib dark mode when in the dark theme

  • What kinds of data workflows to people use?

  • How do I use spark with nteract?

  • How do I go from data --> plot --> ???

    • (using pandas and plotting together for a full workflow)
  • How do I use the Data Explorer

  • How do I use vega and vega-lite

  • How do I do parametrized workflows?

  • How do I run notebooks as jobs?

  • How do I create rich outputs from my python objects (and what does that even mean)?

class A:
        return "<b>woo</b>"

Great User Guides to Learn from

There is definitely room for lots of additional notebooks with examples. Upload new notebooks into the content folder and go to town!

@rgbkrk @willingc I'm going to try to take the following items at this sprint:

  • What's a kernel?

  • How do I use my (conda environment | virtualenv | R install)

  • How do I install more languages?

  • How do I know what kernels I have?

  • Switching to matplotlib dark mode when in the dark theme

  • What kinds of data workflows to people use?