
Primary LanguageShell

Task 1

Shuffle Numbers Bash Script

This Bash script shuffles an array of numbers from 1 to 10 and outputs them in a random order.

Build Instructions

There is no build required for this script. To use it, follow the Usage instructions below.


  1. Clone or download the script file shuffle_numbers.sh to your local machine.
  2. Ensure the script has execute permissions:
    chmod +x shuffle_numbers.sh
  3. Run the script in a terminal:


Running Tests

The tests for this script are available in the test.bash file. To execute the tests, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure both shuffle_numbers.sh and test.bash are in the same directory.
  2. Make sure both files have execute permissions:
    chmod +x shuffle_numbers.sh test.bash
  3. Run the tests using the following command:


The script employs a Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm to randomize the order of numbers from 1 to 10 in a Bash environment. It defines a function to generate a random number within a specified range and shuffles the numbers array to produce a randomized sequence.

Known Limitations / Bugs

  • Uses the RANDOM variable, which generates pseudorandom numbers and may not be suitable for cryptographic applications or high-security randomization.
  • In rare cases, the script might take longer to execute if the shuffling algorithm encounters repeated random selections. However, for small arrays like 1 to 10, this is highly unlikely.

Task 2

  • Request Rate,

  • Request Latency

  • Error Count are the most beneficial metrics , find to monitor on the web server side. Additionally, tracking the following metrics would be interesting to gauge the server's capacity and measure the load accurately:

  • CPU Utilization

  • Memory Usage

  • Memory Utilization

  • Memory Fragmentation

  • Network Usage

  • Packet Losses

  • Disk I/O
    To collect both metric groups, I can use a tool like Prometheus + Grafana or Zabbix. The metrics we will be tracking here are quite general, so I don't anticipate facing any difficulties. However, if I consider not finding a ready-made template or node exporter, and if I have to write them myself, fetching the metrics correctly could be challenging and time-consuming