
Classifying RDP in http packets

frkn4129 opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

When I run ndpiReader with a pcap, it shows that an RDP session is created, but I see that there is http traffic from port 80 in the packets inside the pcap. Could there be an error here?

nDPI Environment (please complete the following information):

  • OS name: [e.g. Ubuntu].
  • OS version: [e.g. 18.04]
  • Architecture: [e.g. arm64]
  • nDPI version or commit hash: Using nDPI (4.9.0-4439-99d48383)
ndpiReader -i ../http_traffic.pcap 

nDPI Memory statistics:
	nDPI Memory (once):      37.30 KB     
	Flow Memory (per flow):  976 B        
	Actual Memory:           5.02 MB      
	Peak Memory:             5.02 MB      
	Setup Time:              9 msec
	Packet Processing Time:  0 msec

Traffic statistics:
	Ethernet bytes:        2000          (includes ethernet CRC/IFC/trailer)
	Discarded bytes:       0            
	IP packets:            20            of 20 packets total
	IP bytes:              1520          (avg pkt size 76 bytes)
	Unique flows:          2            
	TCP Packets:           20           
	UDP Packets:           0            
	VLAN Packets:          20           
	MPLS Packets:          0            
	PPPoE Packets:         0            
	Fragmented Packets:    0            
	Max Packet size:       67           
	Packet Len < 64:       18           
	Packet Len 64-128:     2            
	Packet Len 128-256:    0            
	Packet Len 256-1024:   0            
	Packet Len 1024-1500:  0            
	Packet Len > 1500:     0            
	nDPI throughput:       54.20 K pps / 41.35 Mb/sec
	Analysis begin:        22/Dec/2023 15:09:00
	Analysis end:          22/Dec/2023 15:09:00
	Traffic throughput:    538.62 pps / 420.80 Kb/sec
	Traffic duration:      0.037 sec
	DPI Packets (TCP):     8             (4.00 pkts/flow)
	Confidence: DPI        2             (flows)

Detected protocols:
	RDP                  packets: 20            bytes: 1520          flows: 2            

Protocol statistics:
	Acceptable                    1520 bytes

Risk stats [found 2 (100.0 %) flows with risks]:
	Known Proto on Non Std Port                  2 [50.0 %]
	Desktop/File Sharing                         2 [50.0 %]

	NOTE: as one flow can have multiple risks set, the sum of the
	      last column can exceed the number of flows with risks.

Hi, can you share pcap example? The RDP dissector was recently fixed to avoid false positives, so it's unlikely to be the cause.

http_traffic.zip @0xA50C1A1

It may be a false positives, or it may not. I thought this check would be enough to accurately detect RDP traffic:

tpkt_verify_hdr(packet) &&
       /* COTP */
       packet->payload[4] == packet->payload_packet_len - 5) {

      if(current_pkt_from_client_to_server(ndpi_struct, flow)) {
        if(packet->payload[5] == 0xE0 && /* COTP CR */
	   ((packet->payload[11] == 0x01 && /* RDP Negotiation Request */
             packet->payload[13] == 0x08 /* RDP Length */)

Well, let's take a look at why this happens. I've marked with colored boxes the bytes that match conditions of this check:

Screenshot 2023-12-26 17-08-09

Bytes marked in magenta are similar to TPKT header, byte marked in yellow are similar to COTP Connection Request flag, bytes marked in red and blue are similar to RDP Negotiation Request and RDP Length flags. Also I forgot to mark byte 0E, it matches packet->payload[4] == packet->payload_packet_len - 5 check conditions (19 - 5 is 14 or 0xE).

So it's really like a RDP Negotiation Request, sent on TCP port 80. And the server responses with HTTP code 400 (Bad Request):

HTTP Request

Well, I'll try to figure it out after the holidays, I guess I've got an idea how to fix it. Thank you very much for the bug report and pcap.

Just to confirm what @0xA50C1A1 said:

Screenshot from 2024-01-02 15-31-04