
Unknown error

diegoarioza opened this issue · 10 comments

Unknown error, when click in "save and test"

please, post a screenshot of the configuration page

Hi, when i try to add the ntop data source in grafana I get an unknown error.. is there something i should configure in Ntop?


  • make sure you are using ntopng 3.1
  • send a screen capture of the datasource configuration page

@simonemainardi , Hi
Ntop version: v.3.0.170928 i get this error in ntopng
29/Sep/2017 11:22:30 [HTTPserver.cpp:820] ERROR: Unable to start HTTP server (IPv4) on ports 3000

hi, please move to ntopng 3.1, version 3.0 does not have grafana support

@simonemainardi Hi, I don't seem to find the version 3.1 to upgrade from version 3.0.

@simonemainardi Hi, can you please let me know where i can find version 3.1, ntop website has it until version 3.0.. thanks..

visit http://packages.ntop.org/ and follow the instructions to install the nightly build

Thanks @simonemainardi , all is working now ..
One last question, is it possible to have the application graph per remote host, right now I was able just to get the graph for the interfaz, as you can see in the graph..

Note: i'm using ntopng with nprobe.


timeseries are not stored nor provided for remote hosts. Make sure to define your local networks to contain all the hosts of interest.

So if you are interested to one particulare 'remote host', just use ntopng option -m to define it as local and you will get all the traffic timeseries