This software can be used to count the number of "yes" and "no" recorded during a negotiation.
It is based on Qt for the gui part, and Boost for the binomial distribution calculation. Note that the GPL QtCustomPlot has been shipped in this repository to help producing graphs.
See the full Doxygen documentation in this link.
There are 3 pieces of software that are required for the correct installation of this software:
- CMAKE with version > 3.0. Required for the Cross-Platform makefile creations
- BOOST with version > 1.60.0. Required for the rapid estimation of binomial coefficients. Note that only the includes are necessary. Simply download the source code. And, during cmake configuration, point the option Boost_INCLUDE_DIR to the main root directory of the downloaded folder.
- QT with version > 5.0. Required for the creation of the user interface.
Once these packages have been downloaded and installed, you can download the source code of SETestKCL software and start cmake configuration:
git clone
cd SETestKCL; mkdir build; ccmake ..
Press 'c' for configuration. Simply configure the cmake to your convenience (be careful that the Boost_INCLUDE_DIR points to the correct directory). Press 'g' to generate makefiles.
After compilation, the binary (or bundle) should be created under the 'bin' directory of the build tree. Alternatively you can 'make install' the software for more global access.
Launch the application using the following commands:
For Linux:
. bin/negotiation
For Mac:
open -a negotiation ./bin/
For Windows:
cmd ./bin/negotiation.exe
The 2 main classes are MainWindow and BinomialCalculator:
The class MainWindow implements the main interface.
The class BinomialCalculator embeds probability functionalities for a binomial distribution.
See the full Doxygen documentation in this link
type 'y' each time the negotiator says "yes"
type 'n' each time the negotiator says "no"
type 'z' to undo the last operation
type 's' to show (refresh) the current summary
type 'q' to exit
type 'r' to toggle the refresh mode