
Code coverage results fail to upload

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GitHub Actions (python tests ๐Ÿ”) sometimes fails after all tests pass since the results of measuring code coverage cannot be uploaded to the codecov cloud. Re-running the failed job sometimes results in a successful upload.


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  Codecov report uploader 0.7.1
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.148Z] ['info'] => Project root located at: /home/runner/work/nucypher/nucypher
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.151Z] ['info'] ->  Token found by environment variables
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.151Z] ['verbose'] Start of network processing...
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.152Z] ['verbose'] Searching for files in /home/runner/work/nucypher/nucypher
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.248Z] ['verbose'] Skipping coveragepy, files already specified
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.249Z] ['info'] Searching for coverage files...
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.302Z] ['verbose'] Preparing to clean the following coverage paths: unit-coverage.xml,unit-coverage.xml
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.303Z] ['info'] => Found 1 possible coverage files:
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.303Z] ['verbose'] End of network processing
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.303Z] ['info'] Processing /home/runner/work/nucypher/nucypher/unit-coverage.xml...
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.310Z] ['info'] Using manual override from args.
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.310Z] ['info'] Detected GitHub Actions as the CI provider.
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.311Z] ['verbose'] -> Using the following env variables:
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.311Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_ACTION: __codecov_codecov-action
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.311Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_HEAD_REF: v7.1.x
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.311Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_REF: refs/pull/3361/merge
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.311Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_REPOSITORY: nucypher/nucypher
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.311Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_RUN_ID: 7645148432
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.311Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_SERVER_URL:
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.311Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_SHA: 3ff58eddb0d842663b3b7c512351358d8c227eae
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.311Z] ['verbose']      GITHUB_WORKFLOW: ๐Ÿ”Ž Python Tests
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.679Z] ['verbose'] Using the following upload parameters:
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.679Z] ['verbose'] branch
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.679Z] ['verbose'] build
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.679Z] ['verbose'] buildURL
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.679Z] ['verbose'] commit
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.679Z] ['verbose'] job
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.679Z] ['verbose'] pr
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.679Z] ['verbose'] service
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.679Z] ['verbose'] slug
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.680Z] ['verbose'] name
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.680Z] ['verbose'] tag
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.680Z] ['verbose'] flags
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.680Z] ['verbose'] parent
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.681Z] ['info'] Pinging Codecov:*******&branch=v7.1.x&build=7645148432&
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.681Z] ['verbose'] Passed token was 36 characters long
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.681Z] ['verbose']
        Content-Type: 'text/plain'
        Content-Encoding: 'gzip'
        X-Reduced-Redundancy: 'false'
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.870Z] ['error'] There was an error running the uploader: Error uploading to []( Error: There was an error fetching the storage URL during POST: 404 - {'detail': ErrorDetail(string='Could not find a repository associated with upload token ***', code='not_found')}
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.870Z] ['verbose'] The error stack is: Error: Error uploading to []( Error: There was an error fetching the storage URL during POST: 404 - {'detail': ErrorDetail(string='Could not find a repository associated with upload token ***', code='not_found')}
    at main (/snapshot/repo/dist/src/index.js)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
[2024-01-24T23:55:12.870Z] ['verbose'] End of uploader: 730 milliseconds
Error: Codecov: Failed to properly upload: The process '/home/runner/work/_actions/codecov/codecov-action/v3.1.1/dist/codecov' failed with exit code 255

I think this is rooted in a codecov server itself having an issue - not sure if we are rate limited or something...I believe we are on the free plan.

This running more consistently now. However we are rate limited because we are on the free plan.