
web3_clientVersion RPC calls are not cached properly

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Describe the Bug
Since we're using simple_cache_middleware (see #3436 ), there should be only one call to web3_clientVersion for each web3 instance; same for eth_chainId. However, for some reason I see this is not the case for web3_clientVersion. For eth_chainId we additionally cache it at the nucypher ethereum client level, so that might be hiding the same problem.

To Reproduce
Use Alchemy or Infura dashboard to check usage of web3_clientVersion. You can even force it by refreshing the /status page, for some reason.

Traceback or Screenshots (Optional)
See in this infura dashboard how even after v7.2.0 started (around 08:00), the number of calls remain the same.

System (please complete the following information):

  • OS Version: ubuntu/docker
  • Nucypher Version: v7.2.0
  • Ethereum Node Version: Infura/Alchemy