
Package install broken?

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Not sure about this, as I haven't used Python in a while and hence might be doing something wrong, but currently doing pip install wquantiles just adds a a folder named wquantiles-0.3.dist-info to my package folder, which doesn't contain the actual .py files that define the functions.

There should also be a file called in the package folder. Could you check if you have this file please?
The main methods can be imported using from weighted import quantile, median. I think I should clarify that.

Sure, that was my point, the actual file containing the definitions was not installed. I downloaded it manually and it works fine, but the pip install didn't work.

I have tried to reproduce the error with no success.
Summarizing, when you run pip install wquantiles the folder wquantiles-0.3.dist-info is added to site-packages but the file is not. Hence, if you try to run from weighted import quantile, median it does not work unless you manually add to site-packages.
Could you please send me some information about your system (Operating System, Python version python --version, pip version pip --version, etc) so I can try to reproduce the error?

It's Python 2.7.8, Anconda 2.3.0 (64-bit), with pip 7.1.2 on Windows 7 SP1.
If you can't reproduce it and no one else sees it, it might be a quirk on my machine.

I have tried to reproduce the error in exactly the same system (Python 2.7.8, Anconda 2.3.0 (64-bit), with pip 7.1.2 on Windows 7 SP1) from a fresh install and could not find the problem.
The file is placed in Anaconda\Lib\site-packages when I execute pip install wquantiles.

Perhaps it is a quirk on your system as you mention. If you need to debug this at some point down the line maybe you could try to create a conda isolated environment to make some tests. Anyway, at least the manual copy of the file works for you. Thank you for the report!