
Understanding CAD OSE

NoamGit opened this issue · 4 comments


I am trying to understand the CAD-OSE, however since @smirmik lacks proper documentation, I find it to be a tough and very frustrating task.
I am familiar with the ideas of HTM, and I am trying to build the right analogies for the code. Especially, I find the memory storage structure, context, and facts unintuitive.
I would like to understand the following:

  • What is the right and left parts of a Context, and what exactly is semiContexts (left and right?)
  • What is the definition of Facts?
    And in general, what is the purpose of the functions:
  • step
  • contextCrosser

Can anyone shed some lite on the simple but powerful algorithm?


Good questions. Hopefully @smirmik will respond. It would be good to have a better understanding of this (externally contributed) algorithm.

Hello @NoamGit ,

Thank you for your interest!

I have some health problems with my spine and I can not sit at the computer for a long time. I am on treatment. However, your panic in all repositories and in e-mail forces me.

CAD Based on my Contextual Memory (CM) project. CM was developed to create a General Artificial Intelligence model. I was looking for a solution for more than 18 years and only in 2016 I came up with the first version of CM. Based on CM, I made a CAD and it showed itself perfectly in the NAB competition. I was not inspired by some existing development (which is why CM was created). This is completely my development. But I do not exclude that there is something similar in the world. I did not write articles and a normal description of the algorithm does not exist at the moment.
There is only one incomplete description that I send to those who email me. It does not fully correspond to the latest version of the code, but it can help to understand the basic idea.

Currently i have another version of CAD. This is about 15-20 times faster than HTM with comparable results on one-dimensional data. There is also a version that shows better results than HTM, with comparable speed.
CAD optimization continues, and in the future it will be even faster.

Maybe I will post the changes in the python code and post them to this repository later if the guys from Numenta are not opposed.

Have there been any public updates made with regard to CAD OSE?

@swissbeats93 No updates as far as NAB is concerned. (Closing this issue, since there's no bug here.)