
Issue while trying to run custom anomoly detection algoritham using path 1

AMK13 opened this issue · 1 comments

AMK13 commented

Hi, I am facing an issue when trying to run my detector using "python -d pyod" where pyod is the detector I am trying to use.

I get the following error, any feedback on how to proceed will be helpful.

Proceed? (y/n): y
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 202, in
File "", line 68, in main
detectorConstructors = getDetectorClassConstructors(args.detectors)
File "", line 41, in getDetectorClassConstructors
d : globals()[detectorNameToClass(d)] for d in detectors}
File "", line 41, in
d : globals()[detectorNameToClass(d)] for d in detectors}
KeyError: 'PyodDetector'

Best wishes


You need to import your detector from

from nab.detectors.pyod import PyodDetector`