
Run NumentaHTM on specific data

hiddensquid1409 opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I am really interesting on implementing an Anomaly Detection application for streaming data, and I came across this repository.
Having said this, I would like to dig further and run de NumentaHTM detector on just a single dataset that resembles the data I have collected for my own project. For this specific case I would like to run the HTM detector on the AWSCloudWatch dataset.

And just wondering if that detector is able to run on a python3 environment.

Thanks in advance!

I believe the NumentaHTM detector uses Python2. The community version might be a better bet for Python 3 You could also run the detector with NumentaHTM Python 2 and NAB in Python 3 - I think that is how it is intended to work at the moment.