
some installation problems with nupic.core

Closed this issue · 4 comments

after building the current version of nupic.core, we do normally
make install

By the new version, we have the following issues:

  1. the header files in the subfolders of in the src/nupic/ are not copied into $NUPIC_CORE/build/release/include/nupic
  2. if I copy them manually, all files like *.capnp.h are missing etc.
  3. all the ThirdParty include and lib are not copied into the release folder

Is there any bug in the current version or did I do something wrong?

@Thanh-Binh Thanks for the report. I see the same behavior on my system, but it does not prevent me from running nupic.core with nupic. Is this causing some problem for your runtime? Our system has been created so that pip install nupic will install nupic.bindings as a proper python module. But we have not paid so much attention to the C++ side of things.

@rhyolight yes it is only problem with c++, but we did not have it before. I think it is not so difficult to insert some lines into cmake for solving it

Maybe @vitaly-krugl would know a quick fix?

@rhyolight @Thanh-Binh, when building nupic.bindings (-DNUPIC_BUILD_PYEXT_MODULES=ON), we intentionally skip copying a bunch of unnecessary headers, since nupic.bindings don't need them, and it pollutes our logs, etc. If you are after the nupic_core.a archive, then configure with -DNUPIC_BUILD_PYEXT_MODULES=OFF to get the header files as before. I recently fixed the issue that was preventing -DNUPIC_BUILD_PYEXT_MODULES=OFF from building properly.