
fix function getScriptName in element.js

koalaink opened this issue · 2 comments

webpack config

  new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
      name: [`${project.projectName}/js/vendor`, `${project.projectName}/js/manifest`],
      minChunks: Infinity,
      filename: `[name].[chunkhash:8].js`,
  new ScriptExtHtmlWebpackPlugin({
      inline: 'manifest'

Error: ScriptExtHtmlWebpackPlugin: no asset with href 'manifest.d41d8cd9.js'

modify function getScriptName as bellow, it works well

const getScriptName = (options, tag, compilation) => {
  let scriptName = getRawScriptName(tag);
  // remove publicPath prefix
  // if (scriptName.includes('/')) {
  //   scriptName = scriptName.replace(CONSTANTS.PUBLIC_PATH_PREFIX, '');
  // }
  scriptName = scriptName.replace(compilation.outputOptions.publicPath, '');
  if (options.htmlWebpackOptions.hash) {
    scriptName = scriptName.split('?', 1)[0];
  return scriptName;

I could not repeat your issue - I suspected either the chunkhash or the mutliple '/'s in the path, but neither seemed to break ScriptExt.
However your suggested change was a good one so I included it in a refactor for v1.7.4. Could you try out v1.7.4 to see if it fixes your issue. I will assume so as it is your suggesed fix (!) but do let me know if not.

My issue is fixed with v1.8.0. thx