
New Upscaler icon

TheEvilSkeleton opened this issue · 3 comments

I noticed you have an icon for Upscaler, so I'd just like to let you know that we now have a new icon in the main branch:

Keep in mind that this icon isn't on stable yet, and I don't know when I'll be releasing a new version.

palob commented

Thanks for the heads-up!

Had a first crack at it but so far a direct representation of the new icon doesn't seem to work for Numix where the basplate takes up area from the symbol and given we try to avoid pixel art (#5398).

Too fine-grained details and the pixelation on the right side isn't obvious when not zoomed in. (Also tried one additional interpolated colour for the fringes, lost it in an Inkscape crash but didn't work either).

Maybe before-after metapher could work with a simpler shape.

palob commented

Thanks a lot for Upscaler btw! I've used it for a few projects already such as new card decks I proposed for inclusion in AisleRiot where I used it as a denoising filter.

Had a first crack at it but so far a direct representation of the new icon doesn't seem to work for Numix where the basplate takes up area from the symbol and given we try to avoid pixel art (#5398).

I see. In that case, feel free to design however you want; you can even keep the old icon, if you prefer that. :)

Thanks a lot for Upscaler btw! I've used it for a few projects already such as new card decks I proposed for inclusion in AisleRiot where I used it as a denoising filter.

No problem, and thanks for the feedback! ❤️