
AmzSpApi - Unofficial Ruby gem for the Selling Partner APIs (SP-API)

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


AmzSpApi - Unofficial Ruby gem for the Amazon Selling Partner API (SP-API)

This SDK is automatically generated by running Swagger Codegen on each model from https://github.com/amzn/selling-partner-api-models using the codegen.sh script.

Auto-generated documentation is nested here: This is a handy way to see all the API model class names and corresponding files you need to require for them, e.g. require 'finances-api-model' to use https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/amz_sp_api/AmzSpApi/FinancesApiModel/DefaultApi

but https://developer-docs.amazon.com/sp-api is more comprehensive.


Add the gem to your Gemfile as per https://rubygems.org/gems/amz_sp_api

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code, see sp_configuration.rb for all options:

# Load the gem and specific api model you'd like to use

require 'amz_sp_api'
require 'fulfillment-outbound-api-model'

  AmzSpApi.configure do |config|
    config.refresh_token = 
    config.client_id = 
    config.client_secret = 

    # either use these:
    config.aws_access_key_id = 
    config.aws_secret_access_key = 

    # OR config.credentials_provider which is passed along to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-ruby/v3/api/Aws/Sigv4/Signer.html, e.g.
    # require 'aws-sdk-core'
    # config.credentials_provider = Aws::STS::Client.new(
    #     region: AmzSpApi::SpConfiguration::AWS_REGION_MAP['eu'],
    #     access_key_id: ,
    #     secret_access_key: 
    #   ).assume_role(role_arn: , role_session_name: SecureRandom.uuid)

    config.region = 'eu'
    config.timeout = 20 # seconds
    # config.debugging = true

    # optional lambdas for caching LWA access token instead of requesting it each time, e.g.:
    config.save_access_token = -> (access_token_key, token) do
      Rails.cache.write("SPAPI-TOKEN-#{access_token_key}", token[:access_token], expires_in: token[:expires_in] - 60)
    config.get_access_token = -> (access_token_key) { Rails.cache.read("SPAPI-TOKEN-#{access_token_key}") }

    api = AmzSpApi::FulfillmentOutboundApiModel::FbaOutboundApi.new(AmzSpApi::SpApiClient.new)
    p api.list_all_fulfillment_orders.payload
  rescue AmzSpApi::ApiError => e
    puts "Exception when calling SP-API: #{e}"

Feeds and reports

This gem also offers encrypt/decrypt helper methods for feeds and reports, but actually using that API as per https://developer-docs.amazon.com/sp-api/docs/ requires the following calls, e.g. for feeds but reports is the same pattern:

feeds = AmzSpApi::FeedsApiModel::FeedsApi.new(AmzSpApi::SpApiClient.new)
response = feeds.create_feed_document({"contentType" => content_type})
# PUT to response.url with lowercase "content-type" header, it's already pre-signed
response = feeds.create_feed({"feedType" => feed_type, "marketplaceIds" => marketplace_ids, "inputFeedDocumentId" => response.feed_document_id})
response = feeds.get_feed(response.feed_id)
result_feed_document_id = response.result_feed_document_id # present once it is successful
response = feeds.get_feed_document(result_feed_document_id)
# GET response.url into compressed, again it's pre-signed so no authorization needed
report = AmzSpApi.inflate_document(compressed, response)
# you should capture the HTTP headers from downloading url as well since it's often Cp1252
report.force_encoding($1) if headers['Content-Type'] =~ /charset *= *([^;]+)/
CSV.parse(report, headers: true, col_sep: "\t", liberal_parsing: true) # if it's a CSV report type


to https://github.com/patterninc/muffin_man as the basis for sp_api_client.rb