After updating to 2.2.0, my uitest crashes when called using nunit-console
jpc1963 opened this issue · 0 comments
jpc1963 commented
I have a Xamarin UITest project which runs tests in iOS & Android simulators.
The tests are run from Jenkins using the console runner ie:
mono nunit-console.exe --xml=bla.xml --out="bla.txt" SpecFlow.UITest/bin/Debug/SpecFlow.UITest.dll -run="SpecFlow.UITest.Features.InitialLoginFeature(FeatureName)"
After updating to 2.2.0 of the test adapter the above command fails with the following error:
Execution Runtime: mono-4.0
Unhandled Exception:
System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
I use the following nugets:
Nunit = 2.6.4
Nunit.Runners = 2.6.4
Xamarin.UITest = 3.0.3
Specflow = 1.9.0
And I use vs2019 8.3.4