Problem 1:
private static bool IsPublicOrInternalMethod(IMethodSymbol method) |
{ |
switch (method.DeclaredAccessibility) |
{ |
case Accessibility.Public: |
case Accessibility.Internal: |
case Accessibility.ProtectedOrInternal: |
return true; |
default: |
return false; |
} |
} |
clearly says that NUnit1028 detects public
or internal methods, but the title, message, and description don't mention
internal const string NonTestMethodIsPublicTitle = "The non-test method is public"; |
internal const string NonTestMethodIsPublicMessage = "Only test methods should be public"; |
internal const string NonTestMethodIsPublicDescription = "A fixture should not contain any public non-test methods."; |
Problem 2:
private static SyntaxTokenList ReplaceModifiersWithPrivate(MethodDeclarationSyntax originalExpression) |
{ |
var firstAccessModifier = true; |
var isProtected = false; |
var newSyntaxTokens = new List<SyntaxToken>(); |
foreach (var syntaxToken in originalExpression.Modifiers) |
{ |
if (IsPublicAccessModifier(syntaxToken)) |
{ |
if (firstAccessModifier && !isProtected) |
{ |
firstAccessModifier = false; |
var newPrivateToken = SyntaxFactory.Token( |
syntaxToken.LeadingTrivia, |
SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword, |
syntaxToken.TrailingTrivia); |
newSyntaxTokens.Add(newPrivateToken); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
if (syntaxToken.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword)) |
isProtected = true; |
newSyntaxTokens.Add(syntaxToken); |
} |
} |
return new SyntaxTokenList(newSyntaxTokens); |
} |
private static bool HasExplicitPublicAccessModifier(MethodDeclarationSyntax methodDeclarationSyntax) |
{ |
return methodDeclarationSyntax.Modifiers.Any(m => IsPublicAccessModifier(m)); |
} |
private static bool IsPublicAccessModifier(SyntaxToken syntaxToken) => |
syntaxToken.IsKind(SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword) || |
syntaxToken.IsKind(SyntaxKind.InternalKeyword); |
} |
makes the offending method
, but it should suggest so only if it isn't used anywhere else. Not sure if this can be done, but it should definitely be possible to reduce false positives.