
Unable to work with Test Driven tests after latest Visual Studio Preview.

alkampfergit opened this issue · 10 comments

Nunit: 3.13.3
Test Adapter: 4.5.0
Visual Studio: Version 17.8.0 Preview 2.0

When I use TestCase attribute, tests are executed, but all navigation is broken (double clicking on the test does not bring you to the test) and test output is completely blank.

This happened only after upgrading to 17.8 preview of Visual Studio, something in the test runner was probably changed.

Here is the situation:


@OsirisTerje I can confirm this behavior, I tried upgrading Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk to 17.8.0-preview-23424-02 but that didn't make a difference.

Non-parameterized tests work fine.

nohwnd commented

running in commandline looks up just 3 tests for me, but latest VS (for me that is internal preview) shows 6 tests.

So this is really a Test Explorer fault most likely.

@drognanar please have a look on this.

Yes, I'm pretty sure that TEst Explorer broke something. The problem is that when such problem happens, usually the test adapter should be updated (unless they really broke the inner working of the test runner)

I have added a repro here: , and can confirm the same.

From the repro: Running in cmd line (dotnet test) shows all tests, and also stack traces for the 4 failing ones

@nohwnd @drognanar
I just added XUnit tests to the repro sln, and XUnit works as it should, So it seems that they have changed something to match whatever change has happened to the test explorer/testhost. Or, that NUnit sends information slightly different from what you now expect.


And, single tests, non-parametrized, they work as they should:

Yes I can confirm that if you use TestCase or you use TestFixture attribute with parameter will trigger the problem.

Tried this now the released version, and it seems to work now.
Can you confirm @alkampfergit ?