
Receive desktop notification when browser is closed

Echecivuole opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi, how does the desktop notification work when browser is closed? If I apply a notification to appear to another user when I create a task for him and he has the browser closed, he doesn't receive desktop notification.

I don't know. You need to test it.

Hello, I tested and it didn't work. If the package is desktop notifier it should also provide guidance to send notification when the browser is closed....

This is designed for console commands, it won't appear in a user's browser. 🤔 It only appears on the machine that is running the command.

yes not appearing in the browser, but if I have Laravel website which triggers the console command to another user is this package able to send the console command in the other user's desktop? Otherwise which is the advantage of having a desktop notifier if I cannot t receive notifications even when I am not on the laravel site triggering the notification?

That's not possible with this package.

thanks for prompt support. So this package can be used only if I want to receive notifications from commands run from the same pc
