This application was built in PHP/Laravel for simple docs managemnt in PDF format:
- document types;
- columns (properties) in documents by type;
- documents based on type and columns;
- download the document in PDF format;
Libs and packages:
- barryvdh/laravel-dompdf;
- darkaonline/l5-swagger;
- git clone;
- composer install;
- cp .env.example .env;
- php artisa key:generate;
- update env vars;
- php artisan migrate;
- Endpoint /api/types
- POST = create;
- Endpoint /api/columns
- POST = create
- Endpoint /api/documents
- POST = create
- Endpoint /api/pdf/{id}
- GET = Download in PDF
API documentation (swagger) in /api/documentation
This application is an open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.