Difference between checkpoints of S2M2_R and manifold mixup
chmxu opened this issue · 2 comments
It seems that the models trained with manifold mixup and S2M2_R share the same structure and all weights contained in the mixup checkpoint should be also contained in the S2M2_R one. It is weird that the weight of the last linear layer (linear.L.weight_v and linear.L.weight_g) is missing in the provided WideResNet28_10_S2M2_R checkpoint for miniImagenet. Both of my trained version and the published one for tieredImagenet have those weights. I wonder if I have omitted any detail in the code and hope you can help me on that.
Hi, you are right about model structure being the same. It is possible that during some post-processing for modifying state_dict keys from a previous version of code to this, linear layer was ignored for miniImageNet. Probably because the last linear layer is not used in the final evaluation.
Thank you!