
Luro does not check the author's role heirarchy

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Take the following Roles in the following heirarchy:

  • Luro
  • Admin
  • Moderator
  • Trial Moderator

Luro has the Luro and Admin role, the author has the Trial role and the author tries to ban a Moderator.
This will currently go through as Luro is only checking ITS permissions, and not comparing where the author is in the role hiararchy compared to who they are banning.

Pretty big issue...

This is more of a pain than I realised.... Currently my thoughts are iterating through the permissions to see which is highest, but it will need to be done twice which is not efficient. Might implement that as a measure to close this issue and then see if I can come up with a smarter solution in the future

After many, many months, this is now fixed in the twilight branch! Yay!