
Question about bandwidth and accounting max

DigitalFriends opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi, i'm currently trying to figure out how to properly configure per instance bandwidth rates and accounting max but i cannot seem to be able to format the .csv file in a working manner.

I cannot find any examples of the supported format, could you point me in the right direction?


Thank you so much for taking your time to get back to me, your work is pure awesomeness.

I would like to specify specific accounting limits and bw limits per host (got different vps providers with diff reqs) so i would say scenario C) will fit my needs the most.

Thank you again.

Thanks for the explanation!
Could i also add accounting limits in the same way?

Just to make sure, i'll create a file named the same as said host and then state the host specific settings inside that file, right?

`ansiblemaster:~/relayor$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml -i hosts

PLAY [relays] **********************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *************************************************************************************************************************
ERROR! failed to combine variables, expected dicts but got a 'dict' and a 'AnsibleUnicode':
"tor_RelayBandwidthRate 100 MBits"`

I guess i have to start the file with ---?

Okay great, i understand now. It's working!

Is there any nifty way to confirm that the changes were made? Maybe run with --check?

I see now, the changes were made :)

TASK [nusenu.relayor : Ensure torrc configuration file(s) are in place] ************************************************************************
changed: [my-fast-relay] => (item=[{u'ipv4': u'my-fast-relay.local', u'ipv6': u''}, {u'orport': 9000, u'dirport': 9001}])
changed: [my-fast-relay] => (item=[{u'ipv4': u'1my-fast-relay.local', u'ipv6': u''}, {u'orport': 9100, u'dirport': 9101}])