
Update OrPort doesn't delete the old tor instance

tsekityam opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

To Reproduce
I ran the playbook with the following config

- hosts: relays
    tor_ContactInfo: email:kytse[] proof:uri-rsa pgp:8685bcbd0506582c65f6887dda88f181771752f9 donationurl: ciissversion:2

    - nusenu.relayor

And I had two tor instance running on port 9000 and 9100

Then I want to change the ports to 443 and 80, so I change the config and run

- hosts: relays
    tor_ContactInfo: email:kytse[] proof:uri-rsa pgp:8685bcbd0506582c65f6887dda88f181771752f9 donationurl: ciissversion:2
    tor_enableControlSocket: true
      - { orport: 80, dirport: 0 }
      - { orport: 443, dirport: 0 }

    - nusenu.relayor

Now I got 4 tor instances, running on port 80, 443, 9000 and 9100.

I tried reboot the server, and all 4 instances are autostarted.

Expected behavior
I expect there are only two tor intances on port 80 and 443. The instances on port 9000 and 9100 should be deleted.

Version information (please include the following information):

  • ansible [core 2.11.3]
  • ansible-relayor version (Don't know how to get)

Playbook information
Inclued in To Reproduce

OS information
macOS 11.5.2

Debug information
Please add the output of your ansible-playbook run using "-vvv".