
Daily values used in this label system are not the same as the current standard on the FDA site

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your current code has the following:

calorieIntake : 2000,
		//these are the recommended daily intake values
dailyValueTotalFat : 65,
dailyValueSatFat : 20,
dailyValueCholesterol : 300,
dailyValueSodium : 2400,
dailyValuePotassium : 3500,
dailyValuePotassium_2018 : 4700,
dailyValueCarb : 300,
dailyValueFiber : 25,
dailyValueCalcium : 1300,
dailyValueIron : 18,
dailyValueVitaminD : 20,
dailyValueAddedSugar : 50,
dailyValueVitaminA_2018 : 5000,
dailyValueVitaminC_2018 : 60,
dailyValueVitaminE : 30,
    dailyValueVitaminK : 80,
    dailyValueThiamin : 1.5,
    dailyValueRiboflavin : 1.7,
    dailyValueNiacin : 20,
    dailyValueVitaminB6 : 2,
    dailyValueFolate : 400,
    dailyValueVitaminB12 : 6,
    dailyValueBiotin : 300,
    dailyValuePantothenicAcid : 10,
    dailyValuePhosphorus : 1000,
    dailyValueIodine : 150,
    dailyValueMagnesium : 400,
    dailyValueZinc : 15,
    dailyValueSelenium : 70,
    dailyValueCopper : 2,
    dailyValueManganese : 2,
    dailyValueChromium : 120,
    dailyValueMolybdenum : 75,
    dailyValueChloride : 3400,

the FDA table is very different:
( see )

Nutrient | Unit of measure | Adults and children ≥4 years

Vitamin   A | Micrograms RAE 2 (mcg) | 900
Vitamin   C | Milligrams (mg) | 90
Calcium | Milligrams (mg) | 1,300
Iron | Milligrams (mg) | 18
Vitamin   D | Micrograms (mcg) 3 | 20
Vitamin   E | Milligrams (mg) 4 | 15
Vitamin   K | Micrograms (mcg) | 120
Thiamin | Milligrams (mg) | 1.2
Riboflavin | Milligrams (mg) | 1.3
Niacin | Milligrams NE 5 (mg) | 16
Vitamin   B 6 | Milligrams (mg) | 1.7
Folate 6 | Micrograms DFE 7 (mcg) | 400
Vitamin   B 12 | Micrograms (mcg) | 2.4
Biotin | Micrograms (mcg) | 30
Pantothenic   acid | Milligrams (mg) | 5
Phosphorus | Milligrams (mg) | 1,250
Iodine | Micrograms (mcg) | 150
Magnesium | Milligrams (mg) | 420
Zinc | Milligrams (mg) | 11
Selenium | Micrograms (mcg) | 55
Copper | Milligrams (mg) | 0.9
Manganese | Milligrams (mg) | 2.3
Chromium | Micrograms (mcg) | 35
Molybdenum | Micrograms (mcg) | 45
Chloride | Milligrams (mg) | 2,300
Potassium | Milligrams (mg) | 4,700
Choline | Milligrams (mg) | 550


Food   component | Unit of measure | Adults and children ≥ 4 years

Fat | Grams (g) |  78
Saturated   fat | Grams (g) |  20
Cholesterol | Milligrams (mg) | 300
Total   carbohydrate | Grams (g) | 275
Sodium | Milligrams (mg) | 2,300
Dietary   Fiber | Grams (g) |  28
Protein | Grams (g) |  50
Added   Sugars | Grams (g) |  50

This significantly impacts results. Am I missing something?

@sdwarwick for the code, that may be a fork as it is different from what we have. this is the current version of the code

dailyValueTotalFat : 65,
dailyValueSatFat : 20,
dailyValueCholesterol : 300,
dailyValueSodium : 2400,
dailyValuePotassium : 3500,
dailyValuePotassium_2018 : 4700,
dailyValueCarb : 300,
dailyValueFiber : 25,
dailyValueCalcium : 1300,
dailyValueIron : 18,
dailyValueVitaminD : 20,
dailyValueAddedSugar : 50,
dailyValueSugar : 100,

for the daily values, this is what we are using

you can simply change the daily values on the setting if you need to, to fit your need
