
My Lovely Game

was veryyyyyyy great experince :)

List technologies used: -Animate.min.css. -Responsive design. -Flex. -jQuery. -call-back function. -sweetalert.min.js. -Audio.

User Stories: -User is able to start a new tic tac toe game by clicking on Restart button. -User is able to start a new tic tac toe game. -User is shown a message after each turn for if I win, lose, tie. -User can't click the same square twice. -User can't continue playing once win, lose, or tie. -User is able to play the game again without refreshing the page.

Extra Tic Tac Toe Features are included : -Players are allowed to customize their token whether they would like to start as X or as O ,instead of just making X is always go first. -The site is fully responsive . -Hover effects and animations are both used. -Audio is used. -Calculate the scores . -LocalStorage working even after the page is refresh.