
Wrong characters in the url field of an account

Hristonv opened this issue · 0 comments

sysPass Version

Describe the bug

  • When I am going to enter by hand in the url field of an account a web address with ip (for example: when I click on save and go to view how it looks, characters that do not correspond finally appear. In my case, the address when going to view it is shown like this: https%3A%2F%2F92.92.5.46

This is solved by adding a " / " at the end of the url when writing it in the field. Now it is displayed correctly.

  • The problem comes when you want to add a port to the url.
    In my example I need to access the url
    Once entered and saved, it is displayed in the account as follows:

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. New account
  2. Generic data (Name, category, user, password...)
  3. We put a url with IP and a port (for example
  4. We save
  5. We proceed to view the account in the general panel.
  6. We will see the error in the "URL" field of our account in the panel.

Expected behavior
I hope that the url is displayed correctly without added characters that make the url useless and reduce comfort.


First screenshot (

Second screenshot (

Event log

I couldn't find the log file


  • OS: Debian Version: 10 (buster)
  • Chrome

Additional context

My syspass was mounted in a container, and there are 2: one for the syspass application and another for the db