
Can't see new pageviews in debugger

zerbfra opened this issue · 0 comments

I have an issue with the tagassistant debugger.
In particular, I don't get new pages creating a new section in the sidebar.
I activated the Pageview tracking by setting in nuxt.config.js the following:

  gtm: {
    id: 'GTM-XXXXX',
    pageTracking: true,
    pageViewEventName: 'Pageview',

Then, I configured the event and the tag in the google tag manager workspace.

I don't get why the debugger is not creating new pages.

As you can see here:

How do I get the debugger to create new sections, like explained in this video?
As you can see, in the video I have various sections: GTMcourse, News - GTMcourse and Products - GTMcourse.
