
Global styles

atinux opened this issue · 5 comments

It would be nice to support light and dark by default, as well as adding anti aliasing too.

WDYT @bdrtsky @Tahul ?

If you mean global styles, then I believe background color shouldn't be in this repo. Having color mode tokens split between two codebases feels wrong. You suggest to put body text color here, and body background color elsewhere?

As for Prose, then we already have dark/light variations there, isn't it? Most of it actually just inherited from body styles, or whatever you have on parent.

I am thinking about the text color and background color for code for example that could be set.

Checkout the dark mode on

PR: atinux/content-wind#34

Code will be handled by Shiki theme

Then what about antialiasing and default text color?

Tahul commented

I think it is obvious we need to ship a global stylesheet (.css) with that prose.

What are the styles we are limiting ourselves to there?

I would try to keep it as "minimal" as possible.