
Can you please provide an example with an select item in a modal?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

It is not clear how we can use the pro component UDashboardModalwith a select element.

Can you provide an example in your demo App?

It is related to the following issue: nuxt/ui#806

Hello, I agree that would appreciated.
For me, using the given answer, by setting

:popper="{ strategy: 'fixed' }" :ui="{ width: 'w-24' }"

result in the popper taking full width of the page.

I created an associated issue here

After further reading we should use either
On the SelectMenu :

:popper="{ strategy: 'fixed' }" :ui-menu="{ width: 'w-96' }"

or on the DashboardModal :

:ui="{base: 'overflow-visible', body : { base: 'overflow-y-visible'}}"

But this is not mentionned in the related issue. This could be improved by adding this to the docs so other users don't fall in this trap.

Edit: this could be solved by nuxt/ui#1460 for the Modal. But it needs a fix for the DashboardModal too.