
nuxi prepare does not generate tsconfig.json

Opened this issue · 4 comments


  • Operating System: Darwin
  • Node Version: v18.12.1
  • Nuxt Version: 3.7.3
  • CLI Version: 3.8.4
  • Nitro Version: 2.6.3
  • Package Manager: pnpm@8.6.1
  • Builder: -
  • User Config: srcDir, app, router, hooks, css, plugins, components, buildModules, modules, i18n, build, nitro, vite, runtimeConfig, image, robots
  • Runtime Modules: @nuxtjs/i18n@8.0.0-beta.11, @pinia/nuxt@0.4.11, @nuxt/image-edge@1.0.0-28059208.2abef1b, nuxt-icons@3.2.1, @nuxtjs/robots@3.0.0, @zadigetvoltaire/nuxt-gtm@0.0.13
  • Build Modules: @nuxtjs/style-resources@1.2.1, @nuxtjs/gtm


Run nuxi prepare in Nuxt 3.7.3 and notice that ./nuxt/tsconfig.json is lacking

Describe the bug

When running test suites or linters previously this can be ran by using nuxi prepare. This way ./nuxt/tsconfig.json was created ( see nuxt/nuxt#12771 (comment) ) which the App tsconfig.json is extending. Currently nuxi prepare does not create tsconfig.json anymore which causes tests and linters to fail

Additional context

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No response

What is your nuxi version? Since nuxt 3.7 nuxi is no longer updated with nuxt. 3.7 Changelog

What is your nuxi version? Since nuxt 3.7 nuxi is no longer updated with nuxt. 3.7 Changelog


@matthijsch Have you tried with nuxi 3.9?

Yes, the same problem applies for nuxi 3.9