
CLI Wizard

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I really liked the cli wizard in nuxt2.
Will it return in nuxt3 at some point?

fzzio commented

Yes, please!

kissu commented

I know that Nuxt3 aims to be more of a modular thing into which you plug several things.
Meanwhile, I do have to admit that this part was a BLESSING when scaffolding some Nuxt2 repros while helping people on Stackoverflow. End-game of fast reproductions. 👌🏻

As a workaround you can use for now. It works with nuxt, figma, tailwind, vitest and ant design vue.

You can only choose between 2 different stacks at the moment.

  • Merino (tweakable basic stack)
  • Cheriot (opinionated more advanced stack)

A bit opiniated, but I think more options will be added later.

Yes please !
I'd love to scafold my app using srcDir, pinia, layouts, etc...

@danielroe added the "enhancement" tag. But I make the case that create-nuxt-app in the Nuxt 2 world was far more than an enhancement. This wizard is pretty much the only reason I finally got into Nuxt. One of the best things that ever happened to me.

Scaffolding like this opens a door for inexperienced developers in a way that templates will never come close to. But even for experienced developers a step-by-step guide takes away so much copy-paste and setup work. The opinionated nature of it was a blessing for me in so many ways. I could always trust create-nuxt-app to be up-to-date; things just worked out of the box.

Eslint is a good example. Although I consider myself a pretty good developer, most things "under the hood" like this never really interested me and are just a nusance. For me Eslint is a thing that should just work. Call me dumb, but I struggle mightily to get eslint with lint-staged up and running each and every time.

I would even go as far and argue that not having a wizard ultimately results in shutting out people that want to get in, want to use Nuxt more, want to make a quick reproduction, a quick proof of concept, but ... "naaah, all the setup"

Please take this post as a love-letter to the step-by-step wizard and not a bash of templates. I'm sure they have their place. But the dynamic nature of a wizard will always beat templates in my books.

I said it in another issue (which I can't find anymore?) and I'll gladly offer my contribution here again to get a wizard in developers hands. Unfortunately I probably can't provide much help code-wise. But I could be the noob to test the thing, poking people, suggest ideas, give feedback on what doesn't work for terminal-haters like me :D – Whatever is necessary to get this thing done :D – I really miss it <3

Adding more as a "newcomer" point of view.

When you are coming to nuxt for the first time it can be confusing to have this minimal setup and you have to dig the docs to have a good gasp of what Can be used and how.

What would be cool is to have instead of the current Hello World all features enabled (servers, pages, middlewares...)

And some usage like pages that display a json returned from server folder, a middleware that display api routes called...

When i came from express i didn't understood why i had no logs in the console.

Nuxt Hello World is cool, but not usefull.

Thanks for you work! 🫶

I'm working on this right now, stay tuned ☺️