
why are dev dependencies needed at runtime ?

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I've created a fresh new project today with npx create-nuxt-app xxx

It was impossible to deploy it to heroku.
(It builded correctly but crashed on server start)

Multiple errors were thrown one after the other

  1. Error: Cannot find module 'vuetify/es5/util/colors'
    => solved by moving @nuxtjs/vuetify to dependencies
  2. Error: Cannot find module '@nuxtjs/eslint-module'
    => solved by moving @nuxtjs/eslint-module to dependencies
  3. Error: Cannot find module '@nuxtjs/stylelint-module'
    => solved by moving @nuxtjs/stylelint-module to dependencies

But those are bad fixes, those should stay in dev dependencies.

You can reproduce the error with the following steps :

npm install
npm run build
npm prune --production
npm run start

the options used for create-nuxt-app :

  • npm
  • Vuetify.js
  • Express
  • with all nuxt modules (axios, PWA support, dotenv)
  • with all linting tools (ESLint, Prettier, Lint staged files, StyleLint)
  • Jest
  • Universal
  • with jsconfig.json

I have also found that I cannot build the production server with yarn install --production and I have to instead use yarn install or else I get dependency issues about eslint.

I think this error only happens with Express server, and it's an issue upstream with Nuxt, on this line
The hack to get around the issue is to add:
nuxt.options._start = true
Right before await nuxt.ready() in your server/index.js here

I'm reopenning this issue. With a fresh yarn create nuxt-app and yarn install --production I get this error:

ERROR in ./.nuxt/client.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'
 @ ./.nuxt/client.js 24:0-37
 @ multi ./node_modules/@nuxt/components/lib/installComponents.js ./.nuxt/client.js

I should be able to install for production and start without problem. Please keep a clean package.json ๐Ÿ™

edit: it's vue-jest package who needs to be installed in production mode.

Bumping this ^.

I had to move a few devDependencies to dependencies in order to get nuxt to build with typescript - so not sure if this is outside the remit of the nuxt project (and more to do with typescript), or even just an issue with Vue itself...

pi0 commented

@chrismooreproductions You need at least nuxt-start and typescript-runtime in dependencies. This is current nuxt2 limitation (we are working on new server engine that allows zero dependency deployments)