Nuxt 3 nitro + mikro-orm
max5432112345 opened this issue · 5 comments
- Operating System:
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- Nuxt Version:
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- Build Modules:
import { RequestContext } from '@mikro-orm/core'
import { DI } from '../data-source'
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
RequestContext.create(DI.orm.em, next) // no next function
import { RequestContext } from '@mikro-orm/core'
import { DI } from '../data-source'
export default (req, res, next) => {
RequestContext.create(DI.orm.em, next) // has next but not work, such error was with fastify
DI file
import 'reflect-metadata'
import {
// EntityManager,
// EntityRepository,
} from '@mikro-orm/core'
import { Author } from './entities'
export const DI = {} as {
orm: MikroORM,
// em: EntityManager,
// authorRepository: EntityRepository<Author>
(async () => {
DI.orm = await MikroORM.init({
type: 'mariadb',
entities: [Author],
dbName: 'nuxt',
password: '123456',
user: 'admin',
debug: true
Describe the bug
No next function. In legacy exist but no effect like with old version of fastify here
[nitro] [dev] [unhandledRejection] ValidationError: Using global EntityManager instance methods for context specific actions is disallowed. If you need to work with the global instance's identity map, use allowGlobalContext
configuration option or fork()
Additional context
No response
No response
some file can be taken from
need useNext() helper???
+1 Stuck at this too
@max5432112345 here a approach that works for me, but is defenitly not the end-solution:
Create a server middleware with following content which initialize the database connection if no one exists:
import { RequestContext } from '@mikro-orm/core'
import { useClient } from '../datasources/tenant/client'
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const client = await useClient();
// TODO::
RequestContext.create(client.orm.em, () => { })
event.context.tenantClient = client;
A client file:
import type { MySqlDriver } from '@mikro-orm/mysql';
import { MikroORM, EntityRepository, EntityManager } from "@mikro-orm/core";
import { Author, Book, BookTag, Publisher, BaseEntity } from "./entities";
import { SqlHighlighter } from "@mikro-orm/sql-highlighter";
export type Client = {
orm: MikroORM,
em: EntityManager,
authorRepository: EntityRepository<Author>
let client: Client;
export const useClient = async () => {
if (!client) {
// TODO:: CLI config will be used automatically
const orm = await MikroORM.init<MySqlDriver>({
dbName: "mikro-orm",
type: "mysql",
host: process.env.MYSQL_HOST || "",
port: Number(process.env.MYSQL_PORT) || 3306,
user: process.env.MYSQL_USERNAME || "root",
password: process.env.MYSQL_PASSWORD || "root",
// as we are using class references here, we don't need to specify `entitiesTs` option
entities: [Author, Book, BookTag, Publisher, BaseEntity],
highlighter: new SqlHighlighter(),
discovery: { disableDynamicFileAccess: true },
debug: true, // todo:: env
const em = orm.em.fork();
const authorRepository = em.getRepository(Author);
client = {
orm, em, authorRepository
return client;
Now you can use in your /api/foo.ts api endpoint the client (orm) as following:
import { QueryOrder } from "@mikro-orm/core";
import { Client } from "../datasources/tenant/client";
export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
const { tenantClient } = event.context as { tenantClient: Client };
const authors = await tenantClient.authorRepository.findAll({
populate: ['books'],
orderBy: { name: QueryOrder.DESC },
limit: 20,
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: JSON.stringify(authors),
Hope it helps you a bit