Custom Local Collections invalid
hmingv opened this issue · 7 comments
Following the steps in the document, I expected to use the Icon component to display a custom SVG Icon, but it failed.
Okay, this feature has only been supported since version 1.0.0, so I misunderstood it.
But it would be nice to have a warning of some sort in the documentation..
If it wasn't for this issue, I would have been trying for over an hour to figure out why my custom icons don't appear.
I have forced the install of v1.0.0-beta.4, in dev it works~ish, the cutom icons don't necessarily load the first time and the refresh of the page after having rendered the element where the icon is tends to make them show.
I haven't tested with beta.5 or with build or generate.
@LordLumineer I abandoned this library in favor of my own implementation.
Folder assets/icons
File iconSet.ts
export const IconSet = {
'arrow/chevron-down': defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./arrow/chevron-down.svg')),
'arrow/chevron-up': defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./arrow/chevron-up.svg')),
} as Record<string, ReturnType<typeof defineAsyncComponent>>;
Folder components
File BaseIcon.vue
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { IconSet } from '@icons/IconSet';
interface BaseIconProps {
name: keyof typeof IconSet;
width?: string | number;
height?: string | number;
const props = withDefaults(defineProps<BaseIconProps>(), {
name: '',
width: 'auto',
height: '',
const styles = computed(() => ({
width: props.width
? props.width + (!Number.isNaN(Number(props.width)) ? 'px' : '')
: undefined,
height: props.height
? props.height + (!Number.isNaN(Number(props.height)) ? 'px' : '')
: undefined,
<component :is="IconSet[name] || 'span'" :style="styles" v-bind="$attrs" />
it works faster and the code is cleaner
Important! You need to install the package vite-svg-loader
文件夹 assets/icons 文件 iconSet.ts
export const IconSet = { 'arrow/chevron-down': defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./arrow/chevron-down.svg')), 'arrow/chevron-up': defineAsyncComponent(() => import('./arrow/chevron-up.svg')), } as Record<string, ReturnType<typeof defineAsyncComponent>>;
文件夹组件 文件 BaseIcon.vue
<script lang="ts" setup> import { IconSet } from '@icons/IconSet'; interface BaseIconProps { name: keyof typeof IconSet; width?: string | number; height?: string | number; } const props = withDefaults(defineProps<BaseIconProps>(), { name: '', width: 'auto', height: '', }); const styles = computed(() => ({ width: props.width ? props.width + (!Number.isNaN(Number(props.width)) ? 'px' : '') : undefined, height: props.height ? props.height + (!Number.isNaN(Number(props.height)) ? 'px' : '') : undefined, })); </script> <template> <suspense> <component :is="IconSet[name] || 'span'" :style="styles" v-bind="$attrs" /> </suspense> </template>
Thank you, I think I know what to do now