
Seems like @nuxt/icon doesn't understand other language in files name in local icon collection

Closed this issue · 2 comments

So in my case in nuxt.config.ts i described custom collection
icon: {
customCollections: [
prefix: 'elfi',
dir: './assets/icons'

if in my directory lies files with EN names - all works fine
if i put there file with cyrillic (for ex RU) name - the nuxt even can't start properly with "npm run dev" - blank screen with no errors

and one else thing - if i make some changes in folder with icons - i need to terminate nuxt and run again "npm run dev" to activate changes

We temporarily closed this due to the lack of enough information. We could not identify whether it was a bug or a userland misconfiguration with the given info.
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  • Operating System: Darwin
  • Node Version: v20.12.2
  • Nuxt Version: 3.12.3
  • CLI Version: 3.12.0
  • Nitro Version: 2.9.7
  • Package Manager: pnpm@9.0.1
  • Builder: -
  • User Config: compatibilityDate, devtools, modules, icon
  • Runtime Modules: @nuxt/ui@2.17.0, @nuxt/icon@1.1.1
  • Build Modules: -

Here is fresh install of nuxt with @nuxt/ui and @nuxt/icon modules
I've prepared structure with calling icons with different variants.
And there are 2 svg icons in the ./assets/icons folder - with EN-letters filename and with RU-letters filename

So there are two questions:

1st: when i'm uncommenting call with RU-named icon - the nuxt app won't start properly at all - seems like a bug

2nd: if i make some changes to filename or folder structure (simply add/remove/rename any icon in asset folder) - it doesn't trigger the hmr or reruning active app - i need to manually restart nuxt app with "npm run dev" command. Is it ok?