
How to get the bot running for non-developer?

Mokaaaaa opened this issue · 6 comments

Mind sharing a running with the default settings and where to put the API args.

nuxy commented

Running the script should be easy.

Using a settings file

  • Update the bittrex_autotrader.conf with your Bittrex API credentials and trade settings.
  • Ensure the script has execution privileges chmod 755
  • Ensure the script configuration is in a secure location that has restricted access.
  • Run the script: ./ --conf bittrex_autotrader.conf

or, with arguments

  • Ensure the script has execution privileges chmod 755
  • Pass the following arguments on script execution:
# ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--conf FILE] --apikey APIKEY --secret
                             SECRET [--market MARKET] [--units UNITS]
                             [--spread SPREAD] [--method METHOD]
                             [--delay DELAY]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --conf FILE      Configuration file (bittrex_autotrader.conf)
  --apikey APIKEY  Bittrex issued API key.
  --secret SECRET  Bittrex issued API secret.
  --market MARKET  String literal for the market (ie. BTC-LTC)
  --units UNITS    BUY/SELL total units (default: 1.0)
  --spread SPREAD  BUY/SELL markup/markdown percentage (default: 0.1/0.1)
  --method METHOD  Moving Average calculation method (default: arithmetic)
  --delay DELAY    Seconds to delay order status requests (default: 30)

Thank you for taking the time to explain how to get it the script working.
I have tried and followed exactly what you have mentioned above.
I still face this issue error: argument --apikey is required

I think it's worth to mention I'm using python 2.7.

nuxy commented

If you're using the --conf method the target file must exist. --conf /path/to/bittrex_autotrader.conf

If the issue is unrelated to ^ please paste the full command (without the API key information).

Yes, it's working. It requests readline module from humanfriendly. I installed pyreadline and it worked.

  1. BUY in at markdown (need units to trade)
  2. SELL out at markup (need liquidity)

Enter your choice as a number or unique substring (Control-C aborts):

If I choose 1 I get this:

Bittex response: MARKET_OFFLINE

If I choose 2 I get this:

Desktop\123\ UserWarning: loadtxt: Empty input file: "<StringIO.StringIO instance at 0x040B05D0>"

Traceback (most recent call last):
Desktop\123\", line 916, in

Desktop\123\", line 111, in run

Desktop\123\", line 127, in submit_order
market_max = round(market_totals.max(), 8)

File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\numpy\", line 26, in _amax
return umr_maximum(a, axis, None, out, keepdims)
ValueError: zero-size array to reduction operation maximum which has no identity

Hey buddy, the market itself was offline. I think it's working.

I'll submit any issue I face. Thank you. I'm keeping eye on your project.

nuxy commented

Yes, it's working. It requests readline module from humanfriendly. I installed pyreadline and it worked.

Good to hear.

Note: I only tested this script in OSX, FreeBSD, and Linux. This excludes Windows since it's not my choice of OS. That said, I will update the make file to account for Windows environments and the pyreadline dependency.

I'll submit any issue I face. Thank you. I'm keeping eye on your project.

For future issues, specifically bugs, please submit a new ticket. Thanks.