

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Thanks for the impressive work. May I check with you how to generate the 3D visualization of the voxel shape and what about the point cloud shapes?

ZENGXH commented

I add the rendering code here: for point cloud utils/render_mitsuba_pc.py (modified from https://github.com/zekunhao1995/PointFlowRenderer) and for voxel utils/render_voxel_cubes.py (this one is basically hacking the mitsuba renderer a bit by putting a lot of voxels)

@ZENGXH I'm looking at the rendering code. In utils/render_mitsuba_pc.py and utils/_render_voxel_cubes.py they both call the function main. However no function such function is defined. Am i missing something mitsuba specific or is there a mistake?

@JohanYe sorry for the confusion. You could check the function here, I am not calling the two scripts directly (so there is no main func, I just import it's plot function.