
NVDA fails to select menu item in chrome

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I can't seem to figure out the root cause of this menu bug when users are using NVDA and Chrome on www.sans.org. I attached the logs with a crash reported below.
This issue was not occurring on older versions of chrome so I'm leaning towards thinking this is an issue with some new chrome change but wanted to get your opinions if possible.

Steps to reproduce:

While running NVDA navigate to www.sans.org move the selector over to the login link.

Actual behavior:

When the user selects the login link and the selector will navigate to a different element.

Expected behavior:

The user should be navigated over to a different page to login

NVDA logs, crash dumps and other attachments:

IO - speech.speech.speak (14:02:04.893) - MainThread (42408):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), 'Log In', 'link', 'visited', CancellableSpeech (still valid)]
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:02:06.211) - winInputHook (31796):
Input: kb(desktop):enter
DEBUGWARNING - NVDAObjects.IAccessible.IA2TextTextInfo.getLineOffsets (14:02:06.307) - MainThread (42408):
IAccessibleText::textAtOffset failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "NVDAObjects\IAccessible_init
.pyc", line 349, in _getLineOffsets
File "comtypes_memberspec.pyc", line 482, in call
_ctypes.COMError: (-2147024809, 'The parameter is incorrect.', (None, None, None, 0, None))
IO - speech.speech.speak (14:02:06.312) - MainThread (42408):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), 'Search field', 'edit', CancellableSpeech (still valid), 'Search SANS...', CancellableSpeech (still valid), 'blank']
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:02:07.252) - winInputHook (31796):
Input: kb(desktop):tab
IO - speech.speech.speak (14:02:07.308) - MainThread (42408):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), 'SANS Sites', 'link', 'visited', CancellableSpeech (still valid)]
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:02:07.419) - winInputHook (31796):
Input: kb(desktop):tab
IO - speech.speech.speak (14:02:07.460) - MainThread (42408):
Speaking [LangChangeCommand ('en_US'), 'Log In', 'link', 'visited', CancellableSpeech (still valid)]
IO - inputCore.InputManager.executeGesture (14:02:08.203) - winInputHook (31796):
Input: kb(desktop):enter
DEBUG - browseMode.BrowseModeDocumentTreeInterceptor.terminate (14:02:09.077) - MainThread (42408):
Saving caret position Offsets(startOffset=102, endOffset=102) for document at https://www.sans.org/
DEBUG - treeInterceptorHandler.killTreeInterceptor (14:02:09.078) - MainThread (42408):
Killed treeInterceptor: <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.chromium.ChromeVBuf object at 0x0D935E50>
DEBUG - NVDAObjects.IAccessible.chromium.Document._get_treeInterceptorClass (14:02:09.079) - MainThread (42408):
loadChromiumVBufOnBusyState feature flag is True, vBuf WILL be loaded when state of the document is busy.
DEBUG - treeInterceptorHandler.update (14:02:09.079) - MainThread (42408):
Adding new treeInterceptor to runningTable: <NVDAObjects.IAccessible.chromium.ChromeVBuf object at 0x0D953730>
DEBUG - virtualBuffers.VirtualBuffer._loadBuffer (14:02:09.081) - NVDAObjects.IAccessible.chromium.VirtualBuffer.loadBuffer (11044):
Buffer load took 0.001 sec, 70 chars

System configuration

NVDA installed/portable/running from source:


NVDA version:


Windows version:

Windows 10

Name and version of other software in use when reproducing the issue:

Other information about your system:

Other questions

Does the issue still occur after restarting your computer?

Did not test but the version of NVDA I used was not installed on the computer

Have you tried any other versions of NVDA? If so, please report their behaviors.


If NVDA add-ons are disabled, is your problem still occurring?

No NVDA addons were used

Does the issue still occur after you run the COM Registration Fixing Tool in NVDA's tools menu?

Welcome @jqureshi-sans ,

We are unable to process this issue as it stands.

This is a problem with the implementation of the website.
It appears that you are the author of this website.

To be able to reproduce and understand this issue, we need a minimal code sample to ensure it is not an authoring issue. Provide a minimal HTML sample to reproduce this using codepen.

Kind Regards,
NV Access Software Developers