
Nvda no longer supports BRLTTY with Alva series

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Steps to reproduce:

Once BRLTTY 6.1 was installed, I established contact with the Alva braille display. I select BRLTTY as the display in NVDA but nothing happens.

Actual behavior:

Expected behavior:

The display remains inactive and BRLTTY is deactivated on NVDA.

NVDA logs, crash dumps and other attachments:

System configuration

Afficheur Alva abt380
Brltty 6.1
nvda 2024.1

NVDA installed/portable/running from source:

NVDA installed

NVDA version:


Windows version:


Name and version of other software in use when reproducing the issue:

Other information about your system:

ALVA connected via serie to usb.

Other questions

This always worked well until NVDA 2023.4.

Does the issue still occur after restarting your computer?

It's the same after reboot.

Have you tried any other versions of NVDA? If so, please report their behaviors.


If NVDA add-ons are disabled, is your problem still occurring?

no tested

Does the issue still occur after you run the COM Registration Fixing Tool in NVDA's tools menu?

I don't know how to do that.

Welcome @exatropix ,

We are unable to process this issue as it stands.

NVDA logs, crash dumps and other attachments:

Please reproduce this issue and provide a log file of the behaviour. Ensure your log level is set to debug in general preferences.

If NVDA add-ons are disabled, is your problem still occurring?
no tested

Does the issue still occur after you run the COM Registration Fixing Tool in NVDA's tools menu?
I don't know how to do that.

Please test these two scenarios.
You can restart NVDA with add-ons disabled through the exit menu.
You can follow the user guide for more information in running the fixing tool.

Kind Regards,
NV Access Software Developers

Could you please report this to brltty as well?

bramd commented

@exatropix If BRLTTY is selectable in NVDA's list of braille displays, this means the BRLTTY API is running, otherwise it would not show up as a selection. Please check the following:

  • Do you see more than one brltty.exe process in Windows Task Manager? If so, multiple instances are somehow active. Exit them all and start just one
  • Does BRLTTY show the startup message to the display? If not, the connection between the display and BRLTTY might not work and you need to fix that first
  • A log from the BRLTTY side might also be helpful here besides the NVDA logs, could you please post those to this issue so we can investigate further?