
bug in the windows 11 mail app with nvda

Closed this issue · 3 comments

in the windows 11 mail app
you can browse around the emails
but when you try to read one it are inpossible with the latest nvda dev snapshot
the folloing error come in the log

ERROR - eventHandler.executeEvent (17:35:22.541) - MainThread (16180):
error executing event: gainFocus on <NVDAObjects.Dynamic_MailWordDocumentWordDocumentEditableTextWithAutoSelectDetectionUIA object at 0x088BC290> with extra args of {}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "eventHandler.pyc", line 340, in executeEvent
File "eventHandler.pyc", line 415, in doPreGainFocus
File "browseMode.pyc", line 1533, in event_treeInterceptor_gainFocus
File "speech\sayAll.pyc", line 122, in readText
File "speech\sayAll.pyc", line 297, in nextLine
File "speech\types.pyc", line 49, in flattenNestedSequences
File "speech\types.pyc", line 49, in
File "speech\speech.pyc", line 1376, in getTextInfoSpeech
File "treeInterceptorHandler.pyc", line 255, in getTextWithFields
File "NVDAObjects\UIA\wordDocument.pyc", line 315, in getTextWithFields
File "NVDAObjects\UIA_init
.pyc", line 877, in getTextWithFields
File "NVDAObjects\UIA_init_.pyc", line 865, in getTextWithFieldsForUIARange
File "NVDAObjects\UIA_init
.pyc", line 622, in _getTextWithFields_text
File "NVDAObjects\UIA\wordDocument.pyc", line 438, in _getFormatFieldAtRange
File "UIAHandler\remote.pyc", line 105, in msWord_getCustomAttributeValue
File "UIAHandler_remoteOps\operation.pyc", line 346, in execute
ERROR - scriptHandler.executeScript (17:35:22.948) - MainThread (16180):
error executing script: <bound method CursorManager.script_moveByLine_back of <appModules.hxmail.MailWordDocumentTreeInterceptor object at 0x01232AB0>> with gesture 'uppåtpil'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scriptHandler.pyc", line 295, in executeScript
File "cursorManager.pyc", line 271, in script_moveByLine_back
File "cursorManager.pyc", line 172, in caretMovementScriptHelper
File "speech\speech.pyc", line 1334, in speakTextInfo
File "speech\types.pyc", line 41, in iter
File "speech\speech.pyc", line 1376, in getTextInfoSpeech
File "treeInterceptorHandler.pyc", line 255, in getTextWithFields
File "NVDAObjects\UIA\wordDocument.pyc", line 315, in getTextWithFields
File "NVDAObjects\UIA_init
.pyc", line 877, in getTextWithFields
File "NVDAObjects\UIA_init
.pyc", line 865, in getTextWithFieldsForUIARange
File "NVDAObjects\UIA_init
.pyc", line 622, in _getTextWithFields_text
File "NVDAObjects\UIA\wordDocument.pyc", line 438, in _getFormatFieldAtRange
File "UIAHandler\remote.pyc", line 105, in msWord_getCustomAttributeValue
File "UIAHandler_remoteOps\operation.pyc", line 346, in execute

i run windows 11 latest insider

Steps to reproduce:

Actual behavior:

Expected behavior:

NVDA logs, crash dumps and other attachments:

System configuration

NVDA installed/portable/running from source:

NVDA version:

Windows version:

Name and version of other software in use when reproducing the issue:

Other information about your system:

Other questions

Does the issue still occur after restarting your computer?

Have you tried any other versions of NVDA? If so, please report their behaviors.

If NVDA add-ons are disabled, is your problem still occurring?

Does the issue still occur after you run the COM Registration Fixing Tool in NVDA's tools menu?

@michaelDCurran I think this might be related to #16214?

Welcome @mjonsson1986 ,

We are unable to process this issue as it stands.
Please fill out the issue template fully. We need information like exact steps to reproduce, and versions of the software involved.
When this is done, let us know and we can reopen the issue. Alternatively, open a new issue.

Kind Regards,
NV Access Software Developers