
Toggle Device options

Closed this issue · 13 comments

It would be nice to have options for the toggle device option for knob buttons similar to what is available for Sound Device advanced. Currently if you put a speaker into the selected devices, it only sets default system device. It would be nice to have the option to select what default to change. For example, I have the SS Arctis 7 which splits game and chat audio. I would like the option to change only the "Communication Default Device" between 2 speakers instead of system default.

I added a 'Toggle Device Advanced' which is essentially the 'Sound Device Advanced' but allows adding more than 1 so that you can toggle. It might be a bit more verbose than just adding an option in the regular 'Toggle Device' but this way it is possible to switch both the input and output at the same time for swtiching between speakers/mic or headset/mic.

Tried the 1.6 Pre-Release and it works great. The only thing I would change is adding a blank option in the dropdown for both advanced options. Alternative would be to delete and re-add. Thanks!

The 'Select or give a name of' label is there to indicate that it is possible to type a device name, that way it is possible to clear the option. There are two reasons why it is possible to type a name:

  • Because this works on name and not id, it still shows the device name when the actual device is not connected
  • It works on partial matches. For me the Microphone (Yeti Classic) will reconnect every now and then as Microphone (Yeti Classic) (1), using the name that means that it will still work.

I'll add the empty option anyway so that it becomes easier to clear an option using just the mouse :).

Didn't even know I can type there. I'm also getting a "Child process exited with code 3221225477" on initial startup and waking from sleep. Not sure if it's related to this update.

It might be related, #11 is about the random crashes.
Are you running the most recent 1.6-SNAPSHOT (I really should start numbering those)? Right clicking the PCPanel.exe should show a file version in the Details tab, the latest snapshot is 22.45.62074.0
If you are not using that version it's best to download the latest snapshot, if you are using it, it could help me find the issue if there are recent PCPanel.exe.[nr].dmp files in %localappdata%\CrashDumps that you could upload?

I've been running that snapshot since yesterday and no crashes yet!

I have a probably unrelated issue with the app. It won't run on windows start up no matter what I do.
It's enabled in Apps > Startup
Tried adding to shell:common startup and shell:startup
Tried regedit HKLM/SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run

Just haven't got to group policy yet cause I'm on Win11 Home and it's a hassle to install it

Edition		Windows 11 Home
Version		22H2
Installed on	‎2022-‎10-‎05
OS build	22621.674
Experience	Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22634.1000.0

Not on that version, will update and be on the watch

I have a probably unrelated issue with the app. It won't run on windows start up no matter what I do.

The installer should put the software in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and afaik that should be sufficient.
I do notice that for me the original software is also still in there but doesn't start either, but that is because I disabled it in the 'Task Manager' > 'Startup apps' pane. Perhaps that's the case for you with this version?

It's in there with the quiet flag, but doesn't seem to load
I'm going to try it without the flag

On latest version I can get to 22.45.062047. Posting dumps.

I made some changes to try and prevent the crashes from the dumps. It seems that there is a device that doesn't have an IAudioSessionControl interface (so it can't be volume controlled) which wasn't expected.
I haven't added any additional logging to find what device is the cause, but the specific crash shouldn't occur anymore with the latest snapshot.

It's in there with the quiet flag, but doesn't seem to load I'm going to try it without the flag

So I did 2 things and now it works on startup

  • took the app off "run as administrator"
  • checked "register this program for restart"

I'm going to double check which one (or both?) did the trick

Closing the issue because the original enhancement is implemented. If the other issues are still present then a new ticket for those can be created.